Malta Women's Lobby Acts as a national forum to discuss and highlight issues on women’s rights leading to concrete recommendations, conclusions and actions to ensure equality between women and men; Disseminates best practices in the field of women’s rights in order to guarantee equal opportunities; Contributes towards an improvement of national policy and strategy vis-à-vis women’s issues; Improves the co-operation between policy makers, NGO’s and others working in the field of women’s issues Informs, links and raises awareness, among women’s organisations, on European issues; Works directly with European institutions to ensure that women’s needs and perspectives become an equal and integral part of European policies; Keeps members updated on national and EU directives, regulations and legislation regarding women’s issues including gender budgeting and gender mainstreaming.

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Malta Women's Lobby - MWL

The MWL is a full member of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
This is a serious issues that merits more attention. Well said NCPE.
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
GOALScore Project updates:

In January, the MWL gave a workshop on violence against women and how to recognise it to coaches and staff of the MFA Women's Football, as part of the GOALScore project. The project aims to foster a safe space for female players to report domestic violence to their peers or coaches and raise awareness on the topic.

During the workshop, MWL invited Elaine Compagno, Dr Rebecca Caruana, and Superintendent Sylvana Gafa’ for a roundtable as experts in the field of violence against women.

For more information on the project, check out the website:
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
PRESS RELEASE | 10.3.2024

The Malta Women's Lobby is deeply disturbed and saddened by the latest incident of violence where a man brutally attacked two sisters, aged 12 and 15, in a horrific act that has shocked our nation. This appalling act of violence is yet another tragic reminder of the persistent threat faced by girls and women in our society, who are not even safe in their own home.

The two sisters, who were viciously stabbed by a 43-year-old man, are currently fighting for their lives in hospital. The 12-year-old is in critical condition, with injuries so severe that her life hangs in the balance. The 15-year-old is also suffering from grievous injuries, adding to the trauma inflicted upon these innocent young girls.

What is particularly alarming is the fact that this perpetrator had previously been brought before the court for threatening his partner and her daughter. However, due to the victims' understandable fear and reluctance to testify against him, the accused was freed from all accusations.

This tragic incident underscores the urgent need for a robust legal framework and support systems to protect victims of domestic violence and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions, even when victims refuse to testify.

Victims who do not testify often do not have a real choice but do so out of fear, desperation, and coercion. Magistrates should adopt a victim centered approach and should not depend on the testimony of the victim alone to proceed with the case.

The Malta Women's Lobby condemns this heinous act in the strongest possible terms and calls for swift and decisive action to ensure justice for the victims and their families.

We urge authorities to prioritise the safety and well-being of women and girls by implementing comprehensive measures to prevent such atrocities from occurring in the future and ensuring that the perpetrators pay for their crime.

Our thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones during this difficult time, and we extend our heartfelt solidarity and support to all those affected by this senseless act of violence.

We are frustrated with a broken system that shifts the blame onto victims, particularly women, instead of acknowledging its failures and addressing them. It is clear that women’s issues are not deemed to be important.
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
PRESS RELEASE | 8.3.2024

On International Women's Day 2024, the Malta Women's Lobby stands in solidarity with women under the United Nations theme "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress."

For decades, women have been at the forefront of societal progress, breaking barriers, and reshaping the narrative of what it means to be a woman in today's world. International Women's Day serves as a poignant reminder of the remarkable contributions of women and the continued struggle for gender parity.

Whilst noting some progress towards gender equality, yet many challenges persist for women in Malta. For this reason the Malta Women's Lobby calls on government to dismantle the systemic barriers that perpetuate inequalities between women and men to and create a more inclusive society where every woman can live with dignity, respect, and enjoy equal opportunities.

Everyone benefits from equality. Studies have shown that businesses thrive when there is a balance in gender representation, with diverse perspectives leading to better decision-making and innovation. Furthermore, granting better work family measures which are adequately paid and sufficiently long, not only enhances gender equality but also contributes to better well-being in families, fostering stronger bonds and more equitable sharing of responsibilities between the parents. All this is fundamental if government wants to address its demographic challenge since Malta now has the lowest birth rate across all EU members states.

This International Women's Day, we call upon individuals, organisations and policymakers to join us in our efforts to advance gender equality. By promoting women's empowerment, challenging stereotypes, and fostering an environment of inclusivity, we can create a more just and equitable society for all whilst accelerating progress. ________________________________________________________

The Malta Women’s Lobby is an umbrella organisation that works in the area of women’s rights. It acts as a national forum with the aim of raising awareness and lobbying for effective change in matters related to gender equality between women and men and is a full member of the European Women’s Lobby. Visit: for more information.

The following organisations are members of the MWL:

· Association for Equality Malta
· Assocjazzjoni Nazzjonali tas-Segretarji Ezekuttivi tal-Kunsilli Lokali u Regjuni (ANSEK)
· General Workers Union (GWU)
· Group of Independent Members
· Malta Association of Women in Business (MAWB)
· Malta Employers Association (MEA)
· Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses (MUMN)
· Mediating Women – Balancing the Media
· Union Haddiema Maghqudin (UHM)
· Women for Women (Malta)
· Women's Study Group
· Women's Rights Foundation
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
🟣 Flimkien għal-Liberazzjoni Kollettiva: Il-marċ ta' Jum il-Mara 2024 se jsir ġewwa l-Belt Valletta

✊🏽 Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 8 ta’ Marzu, nisa, persuni mhux binarji, persuni trans, u alleati se jinġabru ħdejn il-Funtana tat-Tritoni fis-6pm biex jimxu fit-toroq tal-Belt Valletta b’osservanza tal-Jum Internazzjonali tal-Mara: Jum il-Mara - Flimkien għal-Liberazzjoni Kollettiva.

♀️ Din is-sena ntgħażlet it-tema ‘Flimkien għal-Liberazzjoni Kollettiva’ biex tenfasizza li l-ġlieda femminista trid tinqasam minn kulħadd, mhux biss minn dawk milquta direttament. Id-drittijiet tagħna ma jistgħux jittieħdu bħala xi ħaġa ċerta u jistgħu jitneħħew fi kwalunkwe mument, speċjalment biż-żieda ta’ ideoloġiji tal-lemin estrem madwar id-dinja.

💡 Jum il-Mara jservi bħala tfakkira tal-battalji li ġġieldu l-feministi biex jiżguraw id-drittijiet li ngawdu llum. Mhijiex sempliċiment ċelebrazzjoni imma manifestazzjoni tal-ġlieda politika u kulturali kontinwa li n-nisa jaffaċċjaw kuljum. L-organizzazzjonijiet jenfasizzaw li l-għaqda għal dan il-marċ annwali hija kruċjali biex nikkonfrontaw il-wegħdiet vojta li n-nisa jisimgħu kuljum.

⚫ Fl-ewwel ħmistax tas-sena biss, kien diġà seħħ femiċidju, u Novembru li għadda immarka sena mill-femiċidju traġiku ta’ Bernice Cilia. Minkejja bosta wegħdiet politiċi, ma ġiet implimentata l-ebda riforma sinifikanti. Il-każijiet kollha ta’ vjolenza domestika f’Malta għadhom iġġudikati minn żewġ maġistrati biss, u dan iwassal għal ammont sostanzjali ta’ każijiet b’lura.

⚠️ Minkejja assigurazzjonijiet ta’ riforma tal-abort fis-sajf li għadda, il-gvern naqas milli jappoġġja lin-nisa ta’ Malta. Bħalissa, l-abort huwa permissibbli biss meta l-ħajja ta’ mara tqila tkun f’riskju, u anke hemm, jeħtieġ il-kunsens ta’ tliet speċjalisti differenti. Mara li tagħmel abort f’Malta tista’ taffaċċja sa tliet snin ħabs; proprju s-sena l-oħra, mara ġiet imressqa l-qorti wara li ġiet rappurtata lill-pulizija mis-sieħeb abbużiv tagħha.

❓ Kemm hemm bżonn li jinqatlu aktar nisa qabel ma tittieħed azzjoni sinifikanti? Kemm aktar nisa u bniet iridu jbatu fis-soċjetà inġusta tagħna?

❗Għal Jum il-Mara, dak li jridu n-nisa mhumhiex fjuri iżda ħelsien kollettiv għan-nisa kollha; il-qerda tal-isterjotipi u l-inugwaljanzi tas-sessi; it-tmiem tal-vjolenza sessista fil-forom kollha tagħha, il-libertà li jimxu waħedhom fit-toroq u li jħossuhom siguri, kemm barra kif ukoll ġewwa djarhom; u t-tmiem tal-okkupazzjonijiet li qed jaħkmu partijiet differenti tad-dinja.

💜 L-għaqdiet iħeġġu lin-nisa u lil dawk kollha li jridu jaraw it-tmiem tas-sessiżmu biex jingħaqdu magħhom il-Ġimgħa, 8 ta’ Marzu fis-6pm, biex jingħaqdu b’solidarjetà ma’ dawk kollha li ma jistgħux, u jimxu bi sfida għall-poteri patrijarkali perpetwati mis-soċjetà tagħna.

🪧 Il-marċ huwa organizzat mill-Moviment Graffitti, Young Progressive Beings. u l-MGRM, u huwa approvat minn diversi organizzazzjonijiet oħra li jappoġġjaw l-ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi u d-drittijiet tan-nisa.

🇬🇧 Read statement in English in comments below 👇
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
Malta Women's Lobby - MWL
As part of the "GOALSCORE" project, we worked with our partners on a methodology for coaches' intervention in cases of domestic violence where football players could find themselves.

By engaging coaches, the project aims to identify, prevent, and combat gender-based violence and create a support system for girls and women.

More about the project and methodology on


Talk No 1 – Prostitution the Oldest Oppression – 14.4.2021

Talk No 2 – Women’s Bodies: Objectification and Sexualisation – 20.4.2021

Talk No 3 : Addressing the Myths about Prostitution – 27.4.2021

Talk No 4 : The Nordic Model – Talk on Prostitution and Trafficking – 5.5.2021

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